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Beneficial Insectary Mix Seed will tolerate all types of different soil conditions, such as sandy soil, dry soil, average soil and wet soil. The deer resistant mix Seeds will grow with different types of sunlight from direct sunlight at least six hours per day to half/shade sunlight, three hours per day. They contain at least 17 wildflowers, including annuals and also some perennials, that deer will stay away from. The mixture will continue to bloom throughout the entire season, offering a beautiful beneficial insect haven all summer long. They will bloom in large bursts the first year, with the wildflower annuals first to flower, and continuing to provide vibrant colors with the perennials in the years to come. The larger the area planted the better the results. Every notable gardener has a copy of Good Bug, Bad Bug https://www.amazon.com/Good-Bug-Bad-Organically-insects/dp/0981961592/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=CjwKCAjw0a-SBhBkEiwApljU0lK-2s4XpANyGwejNNrhpwtzp2n0nJY8a3pE_eHQgFbfeaOQ_Qm4vhoCvbgQAvD_BwE&hvadid=241641853330&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9005082&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=891393424196925081&hvtargid=kwd-508300382352&hydadcr=3201_10391863&keywords=good+bug+bad+bug+book&qid=1649194662&sr=8-19 (Not an affiliate link). Approx. 500 Seeds/Pkg.
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