Become a reseller
We are now making it super easy for people to be able to raise money to support their Groups, Schools, Organizations and Clubs. Now you can resell our garden
Seeds. Since we offer custom labeling of our
Seeds, we can make our product look like it is just yours. We can duplicate your full color logo, and replace ours with yours, at no extra cost. This way your customers will know who they bought their
Seeds from.
We offer custom labeling of our seeds for resellers. These special
packages are sold in groups of 10 per variety at the low cost of just
$7.50 per group of 10. We use re-closable 3x5 Ziploc style packages of 2
mil plastic which include a hang hole at the top for easy displaying of
the product on regular peg board style hooks. Our seed counts are
listed in the description of each variety. We do not package by
machine, nor by weight. As you may know the number of seeds packaged by
weight would vary widely based on the current moisture content of the
seeds being packed. Each order placed will be billed by invoice to the
reseller, which must be paid for prior to production. Your copy of logo
or artwork must be received by us, so we can mock up the labels and
show you the examples to choose from prior to placing the order. All
orders under $75.00 will be charged a $5.00 S&H Fee. All orders
$75.00 and up are shipped Free to you. We will cover the needed S&H.
Once the label is approved by you, you then send us the following: The
address to be shipped to, a phone number for us to communicate should
any problems arise, and your list of desired seeds and in which
quantities. We will then check our present stock against your list to
verify if we have enough in stock of each variety to fill the order. You
will only be invoiced for those we can package at that time. And I
will email those that are currently out of stock, or to low to count
towards your order. Keep in mind, if your order includes those out of
stock items, and the total cost drops below the $75.00 threshold, you
will be charged the additional $5.00 shipping fee. Again, and I can not
stress this enough. The invoice must be paid for in full before we will
begin production. Depending on the order size, our turn around time
for these orders is averaging 3 to 4 days from receipt of payment to the
day we ship the product to you. The USPS then determines the travel
time from our local post office to your door, and tracking information
will be sent to you once the label has been printed. The government
requires us to include on each label the facility that did the packaging
and our address. Rather than telling your customers you get your seeds
from, the label will simply state the following in fine
print at the bottom of the label:
Packaged by: DSC Private Label
PO Box 504 Cortland, NY 13045
labels must contain the Variety, the germination rate, and the Approx.
number of seeds in each package. These are all USDA required for any
seed sold within the USA. We do not ship custom labeled seeds outside
of the Continental US. For any further information or to place your
order please contact me directly at: