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Alcea rosea, or Hollyhocks, are herbaceous flowering plants that reseed themselves and can produce colonies of plants that return in the garden year after year. They are typically found in cultivated areas and rarely in "the wild". Their original habitat is unknown, but the plant is probably a cultigen that started out in Turkey. Note that it is sometimes listed in nursery catalogs under Althaea.
The plant prefers full to partial sun, a heavy, rich, Organic soil and seeds, sown in late summer or early fall, will flower the following summer. The plant tolerates a wide range of soil conditions and some light shade, but will not tolerate wet winter soils. Considered a biennial or short-lived perennial. It is a very ornamental plant and the flowers come in a number of various colors, from lavender to red to yellow, and resemble Papaver somniferum (poppies). The flowers grow on rigid, towering spikes of 5 to 8 feet tall and usually do not require staking. The plant has a long bloom period of June to August.
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